Facilities Services aims to provide reliable service for our physical campus along with reasonable response times for the variety of work we provide. Please read below to learn more about how the work order process works, how to make requests, and usual lead times for certain types of requests.

Urgent Requests
Please contact the Customer Service Center at 510-642-1032.
Examples of these requests are for situations that are life threatening, of immediate danger, cause academic/research interruption, or significant financial loss.
Non-Urgent Requests
Submit a service request(link is external)
Please note it is important when emailing or submitting your work order to submit an individual request for each service required. For example if you have three requests for one building please submit three separate requests.
All non-emergency requests will receive an initial response within three business days of receipt.
Estimated Lead Times
Estimated lead times refer to the time in which an FS trade's staff will be dispatched to observe the issue and create a plan to resolve it. The actual repair work may take longer than the lead time depending on what is required for the work/repair.
24 Hours / Urgent
The 24 Hour / Urgent category refers to sudden, unexpected issues that are life threatening (including animals), present immediate danger, cause interruption of academic or research programs, living quarter hardship, or significant financial loss.
*Estimated lead times refer to the time in which an FS trade's staff will be dispatched to observe the issue and create a plan to resolve it. The actual repair work may take longer than the lead time depending on what is required for the work/repair.*
- Falling materials, i.e. ceiling tiles or broken glass
- Power Outages—Natural gas leaks
- Overflowing toilets, sinks, sewer lines, drains, raw sewage, flooding
- Water spills in hallways, room, and other open areas
- Major Steam leaks
- Temperature issues throughout whole building
- Fire alarms in trouble & beeping smoke detectors (battery issues)
- Severe leaking of pipes and flooding from Strawberry Creek
- Supply, exhaust, hood fans malfunctioning causing air imbalances and temperature issues
- Lighting outages (all lights for an area/floor/building)
- Door locking, securing issues, broken windows
- Hood fan failures in research facilities
- Offensive Graffiti removal in high profile areas
5 Day / High
The 5 Days / High category refers to situations that may result in increased damage to the structure; or danger of possible bodily harm and/or threat to health and safety, but do not require a 24 hour response.
*Estimated lead times refer to the time in which an FS trade's staff will be dispatched to observe the issue and create a plan to resolve it. The actual repair work may take longer than the lead time depending on what is required for the work/repair.*
- Clogged but not overflowing toilets, sinks, sewer lines, drains (both interior & exterior)
- Follow-Up/Assist tags after emergencies in which have significant building impact
- Pest management, (i.e. mouse, ant, & bee issues)
- Offensive Graffiti removal in non-high profile areas
- Unsafe materials, i.e. asbestos, that are out in the open
- Temperature issues throughout a whole floor
30 Days / Medium
The 30 Days / Medium category refers to situations that do not require immediate attention but may increase damage to the structure unless action is taken or a condition which will not result in a significant increase in repair costs if work is delayed.
*Estimated lead times refer to the time in which an FS trade's staff will be dispatched to observe the issue and create a plan to resolve it. The actual repair work may take longer than the lead time depending on what is required for the work/repair.*
- Roof, skylight, & window leaks
- Non-offensive Graffiti Removal
- Window is cracked, but not broken
- Noisy air handlers
- Minor water leaks (sink faucet dripping into sink with working drain)
- Multiple lights out in room/area but room not dark
- Temperature issues within single rooms
45 Day / Low
The 45 Day / Low category refers to routine requests that need attention as soon as possible, but will not result in further damage or safety problems as determined by FS or a condition that will not result in a significant increase in repair costs if the work is delayed.
*Estimated lead times refer to the time in which an FS trade's staff will be dispatched to observe the issue and create a plan to resolve it. The actual repair work may take longer than the lead time depending on what is required for the work/repair.*
- Lights out (partial lighting outage in an area)
- Installation of new lock hardware
- Upgrading of systems, new fans, chillers, windows, etc.
- Departmental equipment (autoclave) not working with multiple units in area
- Necessary work that can be performed whenever facilities, materials and labor are available.
- Ceiling/Floor tile replacement, All dispensers
- Sign replacement/generation
- Estimates
- Deflector shields for vents
- Window treatments (i.e. blinds, shades, or film), Windows stuck but not broken