Capital Renewal

Capital Renewal Program
The Capital Renewal Program is the campus’s major annual investment program to address deficiencies in campus facilities, especially building systems that are at the end of their life cycle. The program prioritizes projects that address life safety, accessibility, infrastructure performance, resource efficiency, and renewal of critical building systems (e.g. electrical, plumbing, HVAC).

Creating the Annual Renewal Program
An annual capital renewal survey will be conducted by Regional Asset Managers to identify any new renewal needs. An annual program of projects is developed for review and confirmation by the Capital Renewal Committee (CRC) with the information from the Regional Manager survey in addition to projects identified in the 10-year strategic plan.

Governing Principles and Goals of Capital Renewal
The Capital Renewal Program is designed to address and prioritize the renewal of the building systems and campus environs that are at the end of their operational life cycle. The priorities of the program support the academic mission while optimizing fund sources and demonstrating fiscal responsibility.

Capital Renewal Committee
The Capital Renewal Committee (CRC) reports to the Capital Planning Committee (CPC) and is charged with identifying and prioritizing campus capital renewal and infrastructure needs, including the formulation of an annual program of investments for incorporation into the campus’s annual update of its 10-year capital plan. The CRC will create a strategic and comprehensive approach to campus capital renewal needs.