Capital Renewal Committee

The Capital Renewal Committee (CRC) reports to the Capital Planning Committee (CPC) and is charged with identifying and prioritizing campus capital renewal and infrastructure needs, including the formulation of an annual program of investments for incorporation into the campus’s annual update of its 10-year capital plan. The CRC will create a strategic and comprehensive approach to campus capital renewal needs.

Capital Renewal Committee Member Roster

Lisa Alvarez-Cohen

Vice Provost, Academic Planning (CRC Co-Chair)

Sally McGarrahan

Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Services (CRC Co-Chair)

Marc Fisher

Vice Chancellor, Administration

Bruce Chamberlain

Campus Energy Manager

Pat Goff 

Executive Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Karen Lobo

Director, Facilities Services

Raka Ray

Dean, Social Sciences

Kira Stoll

Director, Sustainability

Shannon Holloway

Director, Capital Projects

Chad Johnson

MEP Team Manager, Capital Projects

Arpad Horvath

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Stefano DellaVigna

Professor, Economics

Owen McGrath

Director, Strategic Initiatives & Programs