FSIT Operations Support

FS IT manages computer replacement and the smartphone program for Facilities Services. Details of these programs can be found below as well as information and links to common campus systems.

Computer Replacement Lifecycle

FSIT updates desktop and laptop hardware on a 4 to 5 year replacement cycle. An annual review of device warranty status determines which items will be replaced.

FSIT works closely with IT Client Services to perform equipment replacements.

IT Support & Contact Info

IF YOU NEED... Workstation and application support including: General troubleshooting Install/Upgrade software Security issues bConnected (bCal, bMail, bDrive) MS Office CONTACT:

Campus Shared Services IT using one of the following options

(510) 664-9000, Option 1 sharedservices.berkeley.edu/it itcsshelp@berkeley.edu blu.berkeley.edu Maximo Work Order System...