Part of UC Berkeley's research mission is to ensure that the campus environment serves as a learning laboratory for students and researchers. Recognizing that the campus environment is a shared resource managed by professional staff, this process is in place to ensure that facility-related teaching and class and research projects respect and protect this common good. Because projects often have impacts that are not anticipated, especially related to code compliance and budget estimates, early consultation with campus staff is recommended.
Examples of projects that require evaluation under this protocol are community gardens, art installations, building materials testing, office lighting changes, tracking or modifying building controls or systems, etc., including undergraduate and graduate thesis work.
If a class or research project contemplates the modification of campus grounds and buildings, including alteration or replacement of any building system, the faculty in charge of the research or teaching project or the class sponsor must obtain the required approvals for use of the facility. (Prior approval of curriculum or a research focus is assumed to have been obtained from the appropriate campus authority.) The proposal also requires a designated responsible party within the department or building who has agreed to work with the faculty sponsor to coordinate administrative details. This could be departmental staff responsible for building maintenance and operations, or staff familiar with procuring campus services.
Required Review and Approvals:
All projects/courses must have the appropriate Dean or VC approval and an official faculty sponsor who will have responsibility for overseeing the project/course.
• All projects and/or courses requiring the use of campus facilities must be approved by the FS AVC.
• Research projects requiring the use of campus facilities must also be approved by the VC Research.
Proposals must include all required information and documents before review will take place.
Please click here for the online form.
Please submit the request for approval to use campus facilities at least one month before the submission to a granting agency and in advance of the distribution of the course/class syllabus.