Fire Life Safety Services

The Fire Life Safety team works to ensure that fire protection systems in buildings are properly functioning in order to effectively evacuate campus buildings in case of emergency. Fire alarm technicians inspect buildings and generate reports on the fire alarm systems to be given to the fire marshall. Upon inspection, fire alarm electricians conduct repairs as needed to the fire alarm systems. Preventive maintenance plumbers assist in inspecting and testing the fire sprinkler systems and backflow devices.

Duties of fire alarm technicians include performing code mandated inspections, testing, and preventive maintenance on:

  • building fire alarm systems
  • fire extinguishers 
  • emergency eyewashes
  • showers

Fire Life Safety Services also conduct fire drills and offer group trainings on how to properly use fire extinguishers every fall.  The Fire Life Safety team also provides fire extinguisher demonstrations in conjunction with the Campus Fire Marshal’s office for a fee of approximately $200.00. 

Groups must register for fire extinguisher training at least two weeks prior to the desired date of the training. There is a required minimum of 10 people per class. The trainings last approximately one hour, and are available to be scheduled between 9 AM - 3 PM. 

Manager of Campus Fire Life Safety and Preventative Maintenance: Diane Coppini