Engineering Services

Engineering Services

The Utilities Engineering group provides technical support relating to the distribution of electricity, steam, natural gas, water, and sanitary & storm sewer systems, manages the purchased utilities & utility recharges, responsible for utility metering, its infrastructure, and utility data, keeps the campus utility distribution maps updated, supports the energy efficiency projects, and plans for the future of utility distributions.

The group is comprised of different fields of engineering support staff to campus and works mostly with Facilities Services’ Utilities Operations Group on their operations and repair & maintenance and Capital Strategies’ Capital Projects in providing utilities to their projects. Support is given to new constructions & major renovation projects through plan review and technical support, keeping in mind the campus design standards, safe operation, and equipment maintainability. The group works with outside utilities such as PG&E, EBMUD, SPURR, UC Office of the President, and campus entities as Office of Sustainability and EH&S.

The services provided in the following systems and equipment are as follows:

  • Electrical Engineering Services

Hill Area 115kv/12kv substation, 12kv switching stations, Trayer switches & main building transformers, and High Voltage manholes.

  • Mechanical Engineering Services

Steam distribution system (120 psi) that includes steam and condensate piping of various sizes, steam traps, insulation, valves, and steam/condensate manholes. Limited natural gas distribution system partly owned by the university and partly by the utility.

  • Civil Engineering Services

Water (high/medium/low pressure zones) and sanitary & storm sewer distribution systems that includes manholes, various types & sizes of piping, and reducing stations.

  • Purchased Utilities Services

Manages & prepares budget for purchased utilities relating to electricity, natural gas, and water invoices, inputs monthly meter reading data in the database, manages & provides data on building utility usage, & prepares monthly utility recharges.

  • Energy Engineering Services

Works closely with the Energy Office to provide technical & project support on energy efficiency projects, manages the utility metering hardware, software, and IT infrastructure, with Capital Projects on utility metering installation and programming, and with the Utilities Operations shops and Electrical Shop in implementing utility metering projects including other metering infrastructure such as conductivity and pressure.

  • Utility Planning Services

Works with the campus Physical & Environmental Planning on long range utility planning and Deferred Maintenance in collaboration with Utilities Operations on medium term utility planning funding. Works with all the disciplines within the group to consolidate all inputs.