Menstrual Equity Project

What type of product(s) do the dispensers carry?

Dispensers carry both pads and tampons. Simply select the button corresponding to your preference and it will dispense the desired product, free of charge.

Who do I reach out to if a dispenser needs to be refilled with products?

If a dispenser is out of either pads or tampons, please reach out to the Building Manager for that specific building. The campus custodial team restocks the dispensers regularly, along with the other bathroom products (soap, paper towels, etc).

Are the dispensers only for students? What about faculty and staff?

The dispensers are intended to serve the entire campus community. This includes students, faculty, staff, and guests to campus.

Which specific bathrooms will dispensers be in?

For each building on the Building List, a separate dispenser will be installed in a Women’s, Men’s, and Gender Neutral Bathroom (if one is present in the building). Any menstruator can access the dispensers, regardless of gender identity. Refer to the map to find where these bathrooms are in each building.