Unifier Project Management System

Unifier is a cloud-based project management system. Unifier provides a new management system of record for design and construction contracts pursuant to the Regents' Delegation of Authority, as the sub-ledger to BFS for capital project accounting. A key benefit to Unifier is its ability to pay design and construction vendors by creating a voucher in Unifier and uploading the data to BFS. Unifier provides Real Estate with the means and methods to fulfill its duties to bid, award and administer design and construction contracts and eliminate the dual entry into two systems. Our implementation of this system supports the Campus' and our departmental goals of reducing paper processes, improving efficiencies, improving reporting capabilities, and more efficient financial management.

Access is limited to University staff involved in capital project management. If you require access, please contact Kathleen Kelly (kkelly@berkeley.edu) to request access.

Login to Unifier: https://ucberk-unifier.oracleindustry.com/bluedoor