December 31, 2018

Remember that UC does not send actual W-2 statements to employees by email or text. You must sign in to your benefits account ( is external)) to view your electronic W-2 (if you enrolled to receive one). If you receive an email or text that has a link or an attachment for viewing your W-2, it is a phishing scam designed to gain your private information. Do not open any attachments or click on any email links that claim to give you access to your W-2!

To access your electronic W-2 statement, always go directly to your benefits account using a safe, known link.

Sign up for an electronic W-2

If you have not already signed up to receive an electronic W-2, the deadline for requesting one for your 2018 tax information is  Jan. 18, 2019. Once you’ve signed up online, all notifications pertaining to your W-2/W-2c will be sent to your preferred email address on file in your benefits account, which is why it’s important to verify that your email address is correct.