Frequently Asked Questions


General FAQs

How do I request a map?

Send an email to with your request. 

There's a campus building I frequently use that is not on the list of planned dispenser locations. How can I request a dispenser for that location?

Please email if there is a campus location you frequently use that is not on the Building Schedule.

Who do I reach out to if a dispenser needs to be refilled with products?

If a dispenser is out of either pads or tampons, please reach out to the Building Manager for that specific building. The campus custodial team restocks the dispensers regularly, along with the other bathroom products (soap, paper towels, etc).

What type of product(s) do the dispensers carry?

 Dispensers carry both pads and tampons. Simply select the button corresponding to your preference and it will dispense the desired product, free of charge.

Are the dispensers only for students? What about faculty and staff?

 The dispensers are intended to serve the entire campus community. This includes students, faculty, staff, and guests to campus.

Which specific bathrooms will dispensers be in?

For each building on the Building List, a separate dispenser will be installed in a Women’s, Men’s, and Gender Neutral Bathroom (if one is present in the building). Any menstruator can access the dispensers, regardless of gender identity. Refer to the map to find where these bathrooms are in each building.

Cal Zero Waste Services During COVID-19

Operational collection Services provided by Cal Zero Waste will continue during COVID-19. There may be a reduction of service frequencies due to a reduced use of campus facilities at this time. 

Recycling, compost, and landfill collection services will continue to be provided Monday to Fridays to campus facilities. If there are overflow issues, please submit a work order to the Customer Service Center via the service request form or call 510-642-1032.

If there are needs for bulky waste pick up, please contact Excess and Salvage for more information. 

Landscape Services During COVID-19

Landscape Services is continuing to provide the campus grounds maintenance services, including irrigation, hillside fire mitigation, landscape maintenance, street sweeping, contract management, and consultation. Additional information on services provided can be found here

Landscape Services will continue to focus on weed suppression without the use of chemical herbicides.

Due to the additional preventative measures, as listed above, during this time, there may be some delays in maintenance services provided.

Custodial Services During COVID-19

Custodial Services is following guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in regards to cleaning and disinfection during COVID-19.  During this time, services and frequencies of services will differ from previously communicated services and frequencies in the Custodial Services Guide.

The EPA has provided a helpful list of registered disinfectants effective against the novel coronavirus. Facilities Services is using approved chemical disinfectants to sanitize and disinfect high touch point areas on. Please click here for the UCB COVID19 Disinfection Guide for more information.  Facilities Services staff are trained on how to properly apply it. We are using these products across campus facilities.

 Services provided will differ between occupied buildings and unoccupied buildings. Occupied and Unoccupied Buildings are defined below:

Occupied Buildings: In addition to the routine custodial cleaning, the university has implemented an enhanced cleaning frequency to clean and disinfect common areas and commonly touched surfaces in occupied buildings. Touchpoints such as entrance handles, handrails, elevator buttons, tables, restroom stall handles/doors are being cleaned at least twice a day, five days a week (M-F), using EPA-registered disinfectants

Unoccupied Buildings: All unoccupied buildings will receive a one-time, detailed deep cleaning and disinfection, using EPA-registered disinfectants. Routine custodial cleaning cadence along with the enhanced cleaning frequency will resume once the buildings are occupied again. 

Service Frequencies:

Custodial Services and disinfection of high touch points will be performed in campus spaces in the following frequencies:

  • Restrooms, public spaces and open areas - 2x/day
  • Conference rooms and kitchenettes - 1x/day
  • Labs - trash removal 2x/week; wall-to-wall mopping will be provided 1x/week
  • Classrooms - Service Information will be provided at a later time.

 Detailing/Project work and special projects are subject to delays. This includes but is not limited to: detail/project work of restrooms, refinishing hard floor surface and shampooing carpeted area.

Cleaning Details

**frequencies will follow the above specifications unless otherwise stated.

Space Type

Custodial Services

High Touch Points


  • Hard floor sweep and mop
  • Empty trash, compost & recycling cans
  • Wash and sanitize touch surfaces
  • Dust surfaces
  • Refill all soap, paper towel, toilet paper, toilet seat cover dispensers
  • door knobs/handles/push plates
  • dispensers and dispensers levers
  • Fixtures (toilets, sinks, urinals)
  • light switches
  • handrails by toilet
  • Sink handles
  • toilet seats
  • toilet flush handles
  • seat cover holders
  • waste receptacle lids

Lab Spaces

  • Hard floor sweep and mop
  • Emptying trash, compost & recycling can
  • Door knobs/handles/push plates

Public Spaces/Open Areas

  • Carpeted areas vacuum
  • Hard floor sweep and mop
  • Stairwells to be sweep and spot moped
  • Empty trash, compost & recycling cans
  • Restroom cleaning (see services under restrooms above)
  • Stairwells sweep and mop
  • Graffiti removal - when observed and reported
  • accessibility buttons
  • braille signage
  • elevator call buttons
  • handrails of benches
  • table tops 
  • chair arm and head rests
  • Countertops
  • drinking fountains and hydration stations
  • light switches
  • door knobs/handles/push plates
  • vending machines (?)
  • Lids of landfill, compost and recycling bins

General Assignment/Classroom Spaces [daily]

  • Carpeted areas vacuum
  • Hard floor sweep and spot mop
  • Empty trash, compost & recycling cans
  • Clean chalkboards
  • Arrange Classroom furniture
  • Clean Instructor Tables or Podium
  • Clean Surfaces on all unencumbered spaces
  • Boards
  • touch points on chairs
  • classroom tables classroom podiums
  • AV panels & door handles
  • light switches
  • door knobs/handles/push plates

Office Cleaning

  • Carpeted areas vacuumed[1xper month]
  • Hard floor sweep and mop[1xper month]
  • Empty trash, compost & recycling cans[1x per week]
  • Clean surfaces on all unencumbered space[1xper month]
  • hallway-facing door knobs/handles/push plates

Conference Room/Departmental Space Cleaning[daily]

  • Carpeted areas vacuum
  • Hard floor sweep and mop
  • Empty trash, compost & recycling cans
  • Clean chalkboards including chalk trays
  • Arrange classroom furniture
  • Clean instructor tables/podiums
  • Tables
  • touch points on chairs
  • door knobs/handles/push plates
  • Countertops
  • Handrails
  • braille signage
  • light switches
  • refrigerator door handles 

Recharge work

Please note that there will be a delay in response time to project requests (recharge work orders) due to prioritization of providing campus COVID-19 preventative services. If there is an urgent need for additional services, please submit an email request to

For information regarding recharge rates, please see here (click for external link).

What are UC Berkeley's landfill metrics in recent years?

​2007-2008: 5,995 tons

2008-2009: 6,838 tons

2009-2010: 4,400 tons

2010-2011: 5,001 tons

2011-2012: 4,780 tons

2012-2013: 4,622 tons

2014-2015: 4,462 tons

2015-2016: 4,096 tons

2016-2017: 4,062 tons

2017-2018: 3,718 tons

Which policies/initiatives were the most helpful to reduce Berkeley's waste in the last five years?

TGIF (The Green Initiative Fund)(link is external) has been an invaluable resource for our office's waste reduction projects and initiatives over recent years. Please refer to their website for the specific projects that Cal Zero Waste collaborated with them on.

The Compost Alliance(link is external) and Zero Waste Building Initiatives upgraded the university's diversion and recycling systems, namely adding composting at various pilot locations on campus. 

The Beverage Alliance Grant Program(link is external) funded numerous indoor centralized recycling collection bins, including many of the cabinet bins found throughout campus. 

In 2013, Campus Recycling and Refuse Services and the Office of Sustainability collaborated to write the UC Berkeley Zero Municipal Solid Waste to Landfill by 2020 Plan(link is external), which highlights and summarizes waste reduction, composting, and recycling strategies to help the campus reach zero waste by 2020.

Where does hazardous waste go?

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)(link is external) manages all hazardous waste at the Hazardous Materials Facility, located on Frank Schlesinger Way, just east of the Hellman tennis complex. Hazardous waste is collected, labeled, packaged, and then transported to various off campus treatment facilities depending on the waste type.

What happens to compost after it leaves campus?

Food waste is composted all together with other organics such as landscape waste and grass clippings. It is transported to the West Contra Costa Landfill in Richmond, and a small portion of the compost materials are also transported to the City of Berkeley Transfer Station.

Where do recycled materials go after they leave campus?

Mixed paper/cardboard goes to the Berkeley Recycling Center / Community Conservation Center located in Berkeley.

Cans and Bottles is serviced by Civicorp and is taken to a Materials Recovery Facility in Union City.

Where does the landfill waste go after it leaves campus?

Landfill waste is transported to Golden Bear Transfer Station in Richmond. It's then consolidated and hauled by semitrucks to Keller Canyon Landfill near Pittsburg. 

Do I have to remove staples, paperclips, binder clips, cellophane, and adhesives before I recycle them?

Staples, cellophane, and adhesives do not need to be removed before depositing them in the mixed paper bin. Paperclips and binder clips should be removed so that they can be reused.

How do I recycle printer and toner cartridges?

UC Berkeley Mailing Services(link is external) handles printer and toner cartridge recycling. Empty cartridges should be placed in their original packaging or appropriate box and placed in your department's outgoing mail. Mail Services will pick them up and recycle them free of charge. For more information please refer to their website:

Where do I dispose/recycle electronic waste, batteries, and other related toxic materials?

The UC Berkeley Surplus operation has teamed with the campus' Environmental Health and Safety department to contract with an electronic waste vendor for the demanufacturing of all electronic waste (E-waste) generated by or taken in at the Berkeley campus. This department handles all electronic waste such as computers, televisions, and stereos. Refer to the Berkeley Property Management(link is external) website to coordinate a drop-off.

To dispose of hazardous materials such as batteries, paint, and medical waste,  contact the Office of Environment, Health & Safety(link is external) at 642-3073.

How do I request a shredding bin?

The UC Berkeley Mail Services department delivers, services, and manages the Cal Shredding Service program(link is external). Please refer to their website,, for further questions.

What are the standards for enclosure waste receptacles on campus?

UC Berkeley's Real Estate Campus Design Standard (page 279-281) provides official information on the University's zero waste enclosure protocol.

My department will be hosting an event, is there a way to get extra bins?

To request extra bins for an event, please call the Facilities Services desk at (510) 642-1032 or submit a service request form and refer to our Approved Zero Waste Caterers and Facilities page for information on zero waste catering. . To ensure that the bins are serviced and placed properly, contact us at least two weeks prior to the event.

I will be moving out of my department, is there something that I can do with my extra recyclable and reusable office materials?

To request a cart to recycle paper materials please refer to these clean-out cart request guidelines and call the Facilities Services desk at (510) 642-1032 or submit a service request  to initiate a work order.

For office materials that could be reused, contact the Facilities Services desk at (510) 642-1032 or fill out this service request form and initiate a work order so that these items can be repurposed and redistributed.

Who do I contact if my office bins are full/overflowing?

If there are bin(s) that need to be serviced in your department, call the Facilities Services desk at (510) 642-1034 or submit a service request and initiate a work order. 

My office just implemented the new zero waste system. How does it work?

Please refer to this informational flyer for details on how the new system works.

I heard I need to submit a permit for painting. Is that true?

When we first instituted the permit process, we did require permits for paint in order to collect data on who was doing such work on campus. We have since changed our business process, and as such, permits for paint are no longer required.

How do I share documents with the Building Department?

Email is easy! Send your documents as attachments to: Make sure your email denotes your project details (Permit number if one has been issued, client reference number if not) so we know what the documents pertain to.

If your files are too big for email, you can use either of Berkeley's file sharing tools. We've created handy tutorials forcreating a download link in Boxorcreating a download link in Google Drive.

Why do I need to submit for a permit for carpet and other finishes?

Carpet, drapery, acoustic panels and the like must be reviewed for compliance with the California Fire Code. Additionally, the university is obligated to collect and maintain data regarding these activities to demonstrate compliance with California and University bidding, purchasing and contracting rules.

Does my project require review for accessibility compliance?

Yes. All projects are reviewed for compliance with Chapter 11b - Accessibility to Public Buildings, Public Accommodations, Commercial Buildings and Public Housing.

Generally, large projects are reviewed by the Division of the State Architect. Small projects are reviewed in-house by Certified Access Specialist (CASp) certified plan reviewers.

My project is done, but I don't have all the final documentation. Can I move in yet?

If you've passed your final inspections with the Building Department and the Campus Fire Marshal, you may be issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, which allows you to occupy the space, while you work on gathering your closeout documents. Note: retention will not be released nor final payment made until you have received a permanent Certificate of Occupancy.

My project is all done. Now what do I do?

Submit for a final inspection, both with the Building Department and the Campus Fire Marshal. Once you've corrected any prior deficiencies, and passed a final inspection (or corrected any punchlist items generated during your final inspection) you can start working on your closeout documents:

  • As-Built and/or Record Drawings (Record Drawings if multiple disciplines involved; As-Built Drawings by trade)
  • Operations and Maintenance Manuals
  • Warranties/guarantees
  • California Energy Code (Title 24 Pt. 6) compliance documentation, including
  • Commissioning by certified commissioning agent (lighting/HVAC)
  • Installation certificates completed by installer/contractor guaranteeing fixtures/appliances were installed as outlined in permit documents

You'll receive a Certificate of Occupancy upon the approval of Building Official and Campus Fire Marshal.

Note: projects must submit all required close-out documents before retention can be released or final payment made.

What is a Load Study, and why do I need one?

Section 220.87 of the California Electrical Code requires that prior to modifying or adding to electrical systems, their existing loads must be determined. The code requires 30 days of data monitoring, but in buildings with stable loads, the Campus Electrical Engineer may reduce this requirement to 7 days.

Load studies are required so that electrical panels do not become overloaded or their loads become unbalanced between phases.

If you have any questions about load studies, please contact us.

What documents do I need to submit for a permit?

Plans, specifications, product submittals, California Energy Code (Title 24 Pt. 6) compliance documentation, and where applicable, a Load Study.

For simple modifications, this might be covered by a scope of work narrative or a simple drawing. Electrical modifications require a single-line diagram.

Does my project require a permit?

The California Building Code requires: 

“Any owner or owner's authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit...

Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the building official and such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved.”

If you have any questions about permits or plan review, please contact us.

Who do I contact if my office bins are full/overflowing?

If there are bin(s) that need to be serviced in your department, call the Facilities Services desk at (510) 642-1034 and initiate a work order. 

How do I request a shredding bin?

The UC Berkeley Mail Services department delivers, services, and manages the Cal Shredding Service program. Please refer to their website,, for further questions.

My office was just implemented with the new zero waste system. How does it work?

Please refer to this informational flyer for details on how the new system works.


Add a new employee to Maximo
New FS employees are not automatically added in Maximo. The shop supervisor must request access by completing the employee on-boarding form.

To gain access to Maximo,  the employee must first complete the UC Berkeley on-boarding process, receive a UCPath ID, and create a Berkeley CalNet account and email address.  The supervisor will then complete the form "Request to Add New Employee" and email your request to

Once submitted, the account will be created within 7 business days. The employee will be emailed their login details once their account has been created.

To request Maximo training, email

How do I clear my Browser Cache
When Maximo is restarted, sometimes it is necessary for users to clear their browser cache files.

When Maximo is restarted, sometimes it is necessary for users to clear their browser cache files.  This guide provides details on how to clear your browser cache.

I am a client user and cannot locate a work order
I am a client user and have a work order number but cannot locate it in the client work order tracking screen.

Clients are able to view records (Service Requests and Work Orders) where they listed as either the Reported By or Affected Person on the record.

If you have a work order number that does not appear on the Client Work Order Tracking list, you may need to:

  1. If the Work Order is in Closed Status, display All Records by clicking in the Query box on the top of the screen and selecting the All Records option
  2. If you are not listed as the Reported By or Affected Person, click in the Select Action box and select Run Reports.  In the Reports Dialog, select Work Order Summary and click OK. You can run a report based on at least one of the Request Page Parameters.  The report will open in a new browser tab.

For more details on Client Access, please review the Client User Access guide

I am getting an error "BMXAA7901E - You cannot log in at this time"

Maximo Desktop Log in Error

Either your account has not been set up (see this FAQ) or your account has been blocked after too many failed login attempts.

You will need to contact the FS IT team at 2000 Carlton or submit a ticket to to unblock your account.

I keep getting an error "The user name and password combination that you entered is not valid"

You will receive this message when logging on through the Maximo mobile application.

  Maximo Mobile Login Error

Maximo automatically blocks your account after a limited number of failed login attempts.

You will need to contact the FS IT team at 2000 Carleton Street or submit a ticket to to have your account reactivated.

What do the different statuses on a Work Order mean?

APPR = Approved
ASSGN = Assigned
CAN = Canceled
CAPPR = CSC Approval
CLOSE = Closed
COMP = Completed
CREV = CSC Review
FLDCOMP = Field Complete
HISTEDIT = Edited in History
INPRG = In Progress
NSCP = Needs Scope
SHREV = Shop Review
WAPPR = Waiting on Approval
WASSGN = Waiting Assignment
WCOMP = Waiting Complete
WENG = Waiting Engineering
WMATL = Waiting on Material
WPCOND = Waiting on Plant Cond
WPLAN = Waiting Planning
WREV = Waiting Post Review
WSCH = Waiting to be Scheduled

What do the different status on a Desktop Requisition (DR) mean?
Status Description
APPR Approved
CAN Canceled
CLOSE Closed
WAPPR Waiting on Approval
What do the different status on a Purchase Requisition (PR) mean?










Financial Approval / Waiting AD approval




In Progress


FS Approved, Pending BearBuy


Pending Revision






Waiting Accounting


Waiting on Approval


Waiting Associate Director Approval


Waiting Director Approval

How do I Login to Maximo

Access to Maximo is limited to UC Berkeley Facilities Services staff and select campus clients with facilities related roles (read more about Client Access) .   

You can login to Maximo from any web browser using your Calnet ID and Maximo password.  Access is restricted to the campus wired network and AirBears 2 wireless network.  See the note below if you are connecting from an off-campus location.

After logging on to the Berkeley Desktop, Facilities Services staff will have a Maximo shortcut on the desktop. 

Click the Maximo shortcut Maximo Shortcut Icon to logon to Maximo

If you do not have a Maximo shortcut, click the following link to open the Maximo portal:

Maximo Portal

Note: If you are accessing the system from off campus, you must first establish a VPN connection to the campus network. 

Learn more about the Campus VPN and download VPN software at


Lost or stolen keys

Lost or stolen keys: Before we can replace a lost or stolen key a police report must be filed with UCPD. To report a lost or stolen University key or credential (card-key), please contact UCPD at (510) 642-6760 (or 510-642-3333 for TTY users) at any time of day or night to file a police report.

Access Issues in Campus Housing (Residence Halls & Campus Apartments)

For UC Berkeley Housing residents and staff experiencing issues with access issues (including issues with keys, locks, fobs and readers):

  • If you are locked out or are having issues with your keys, please visit your housing unit's Front Desk, or after hours, contact your Resident Assistant (RA) on duty. See the Front Desks and Housing Facilities page on the UC Berkeley Housing website to find the specific contact information for your building's front desk.
  • If you have lost your Cal 1 Card, please contact the Cal 1 Card office.
  • Maintenance and front desk services in campus housing units are managed by the Housing Facilities Team, which is part of Residential & Student Services Programs within the Division of Student Affairs.