
Maximo Support Topics

I am getting an error "BMXAA7901E - You cannot log in at this time"

Maximo Desktop Log in Error

Either your account has not been set up (see this FAQ) or your account has been blocked after too many failed login attempts.

You will need to contact the FS IT team at 2000 Carlton or submit a ticket to maxhelp@...

Customer Services Changes - Effective 02/01/2024

February 1, 2024

Facilities Services is working to simplify processes and deliver improved services to the Campus Community. As part of this process, the intake process for service requests is changing.

What is changing?

Effective Sunday 2/1/2024 the current request email accounts will no longer be the method for submitting new service requests, and replaced with the following Service request form:


What do the different statuses on a Work Order mean?

APPR = Approved
ASSGN = Assigned
CAN = Canceled
CAPPR = CSC Approval
CLOSE = Closed
COMP = Completed
CREV = CSC Review
FLDCOMP = Field Complete
HISTEDIT = Edited in History
INPRG = In Progress
NSCP = Needs Scope
SHREV = Shop Review
WAPPR = Waiting on Approval
WASSGN = Waiting Assignment
WCOMP = Waiting Complete
WENG = Waiting Engineering
WMATL = Waiting on Material
WPCOND = Waiting on Plant Cond
WPLAN = Waiting Planning
WREV = Waiting Post Review
WSCH = Waiting to be Scheduled

Add a new employee to Maximo

New FS employees are not automatically added in Maximo. The shop supervisor must request access by completing the employee on-boarding form.

To gain access to Maximo, the employee must first complete the UC Berkeley on-boarding process, receive a UCPath ID, and create a Berkeley CalNet account and email address. The supervisor will then complete the form "Request to Add New Employee" and email your request to

Once submitted, the account will be created within 7 business days. The employee will be emailed their login details once their...

How do I Login to Maximo

Access to Maximo is limited to UC Berkeley Facilities Services staff and select campus clients with facilities related roles (read more about Client Access) .

You can login to Maximo from any web browser using your Calnet ID and Maximo password. Access is restricted to the campus wired network and AirBears 2 wireless network. See the note below if you are connecting from an off-campus location.

After logging on to the Berkeley Desktop, Facilities Services staff will have a Maximo shortcut on the...

How do I clear my Browser Cache

When Maximo is restarted, sometimes it is necessary for users to clear their browser cache files.

When Maximo is restarted, sometimes it is necessary for users to clear their browser cache files. This guide provides details on how to clear your browser cache.

I am a client user and cannot locate a work order

I am a client user and have a work order number but cannot locate it in the client work order tracking screen.

Clients are able to view records (Service Requests and Work Orders) where they listed as either the Reported By or Affected Person on the record.

If you have a work order number that does not appear on the Client Work Order Tracking list, you may need to:

If the Work Order is in Closed Status, display All Records by clicking in the Query box on the top of the screen and selecting the All Records option If you are not listed as the Reported By or Affected Person, click in the Select Action box and select Run Reports. In the Reports Dialog, select Work Order Summary and click OK...

Maximo Client Access Request

Facilties Services provides limited access to the Maximo Asset and Work Management for UC Berkeley staff in a Building Coordinator or Facilities Manager role. Users with this access can submit and monitor Service Requests and report on Work Orders within their area of responsibility. User access cannot be provided for departmental SPA or shared accounts.

To request access, each user (or supervisor) will need to submit a Maximo Client User Access Request. Once submitted, account creation will take 7-10 days. The...

I keep getting an error "The user name and password combination that you entered is not valid"

You will receive this message when logging on through the Maximo mobile application.

Maximo Mobile Login Error

Maximo automatically blocks your account after a limited number of failed login attempts.

You will need to contact the FS IT team at 2000 Carleton Street or submit a ticket to ...

What do the different status on a Purchase Requisition (PR) mean?










Financial Approval / Waiting AD approval




In Progress


FS Approved, Pending BearBuy


Pending Revision






Waiting Accounting


Waiting on Approval


Waiting Associate Director Approval


Waiting Director Approval