Watch & Night Operations

Skilled Trades Manager: Dave Smith

The Watch & Night Operations Group provides the campus community with 24 hour, 7 days a week service and with Stationary Engineering services.

The off-hours group, or Swing Shift, consists of a journey level Locksmith, Electrician, Plumber, and Stationary Senior Engineer supported by a Customer Service Representative and Senior Representative. This group provides emergency service during the early evening hours, when the number of after-hours (3PM-11PM) emergency requests peak.

The Campus Watch is a Journey Level Stationary Engineer who is in direct contact with the after-hours answering service. When an emergency call is placed, the answering service picks it up and collects vital information. This information is then passed to the Campus Watch who responds. The Watch will take appropriate action to correct the problem(s) or call in required trades personnel to address it. The Watch is on campus for the graveyard shift (11PM-7AM) daily and around the clock on weekends and campus holidays. The Campus Watch also plays an important part in client notification.

For all Night Operations requests, please call the Customer Service Center at 642-1032.