Custodial Services offers housekeeping services to public space, offices, labs and classrooms.
The Custodial unit provides a range of cleaning maintenance and event support across the UC Berkeley campus. It provides support for more than 11 million square feet of building space, as well as athletic and auxiliaries spaces.
Our team of professional employees supports the University's mission by providing quality services for and management of physical assets and the stewardship of resources in accordance with University policies, values, regulatory requirements, and best practice standards. The team provides service to all campus areas including classrooms, athletic facilities, wet and dry laboratories and public spaces.
Our service guide provides a summary of the frequency of cleaning for all the spaces on campus that are serviced by the Custodial unit. In this guide, you can also find all the additional services which FS Custodial provides.
Faculty, staff, and students in private offices should dispose of perishables in kitchen, bathroom, or hallway receptacles which are emptied once a day Monday through Friday.
Custodial Operations Manager - Eddie Bridgett
Senior Custodial Operations Manager - James Mathwin
Events Manager, Cal Athletics - Vacant
Events Manager, Cal Performances, Weekend and campus events - Maricruz Manzanarez